All posts by L McDermott

Increase Amazon Smile Donations on Prime Day 21&22 June



Support Riverbrae School Parent Council
Shop at and we’ll donate to your favourite charitable organisation, at no cost to you. All Prime members who shop using AmazonSmile during Prime Day  (21 & 22 June) will generate double donations on all eligible purchases

We  signed up to Amazon Smile – so if you go through this link to do your amazon shopping, Riverbrae will get a donation.

When you shop @AmazonSmile, Amazon will make a donation to Riverbrae School Parent Council. Use this link to do your shopping

AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.You shop. Amazon gives.


Provost Awards

Congratulations to our Senior Phase pupils, Scott and Lewis, who were recognised for their sporting achievement  at the Provost Awards.

Callum, who works in the Senior Phase was also successful at the Provost Award and was recognised for his creativity in Arts and Culture.

Your Riverbrae family are all so proud of you!

Parental Questionnaire

Riverbrae School & ELCC Improvement Plan –
Dear Parent/Carer, We would like to hear your views on Riverbrae School & ELCC. Every year the school produces an improvement plan which lists the improvements that the school will focus on for the academic year. The questions should only take a couple minuets to complete. For session 2020/21 our focus was very much on recovery from the first lockdown. (At that point we did not think we would have a second lockdown!)
Please click on the form below to compete a short questionnaire.

Thank you .

Renfrewshire Advice Works Schools Support Service

Renfrewshire Advice Works Schools Support Service
Renfrewshire Advice Works is a money and debt advice service available to all Renfrewshire residents.
The service offers free, confidential and independent advice on money and debt issues including budgeting, negotiating with creditors, and mortgage and rent arrears – as well as checking individuals are receiving all the benefits they are entitled to.

The service can provide information on how to complete benefit claim forms and all other Social Security forms including
School Meals & Clothing Grants,
Housing Benefit & Discretionary Housing Payments,
Disability Living Allowance,
Education Maintenance Allowance,
Employment & Support Allowance,
Attendance Allowance
Council Tax Reduction
Tax Credits & Universal Credit & many more.
A dedicated service is now available to provide advice to parents whose child/children attend an educational establishment in Renfrewshire.
If this is a service that you feel would be of benefit to you, a member of school staff can ensure that a referral to the service is made on your behalf.
Following referral, an Income Adviser from this dedicated team will contact you directly to provide advice & support.

FAMILY-Renfrewshire AW Schools Support Service

Pearson Teaching Awards Finalist!

We are absolutely delighted to announce that Riverbrae School has a Pearson Teaching Awards Finalist!

These awards are the ‘Oscars’ of the teaching profession.  Our very own Calum Coutts has made it to the finals in the category of Digital Innovator of the Year.  We are keeping our fingers crossed that he wins, although he is already our winner!  Good Luck Calum @TeachingAwards