All posts by L McDermott

National Parental Involvement and Engagement (PIE) Census

Dear Parent/Carer
I am writing to provide details and explain the purpose of the National Parental Involvement and Engagement (PIE) Census that will be sent to parents/carers of school children across Scotland.
This is a short online survey, sent to parents/carers of school children across Scotland, to understand how well local authorities are engaging with the parents/carers of their school children.

Please click on the link below for more information.

Parental Involvement Engagement Census

Free After School Disability Sport & Activity Club!


Attendees (P1-P7 & S1-S6) will be able to take part in a weekly club where a bouncy castle will be on offer as well as the opportunity to take part in sports/activities led by qualified coaches. This family club is available to any family with a young person with a disability and/or sensory impairment (Siblings welcome). A parent/guardian must stay with the participant for the duration of the club, but they are actively encouraged to take part! This hour long weekly club allows all the family to take part in fun activities locally in Renfrewshire.

Please click on the link below for more Information and to  book


Chris Cleary

Active Schools Community Club Development Officer

Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel Scheme for Under 22s

From 31 January, nearly one million 5–21 year olds living in Scotland will be eligible to benefit from free bus travel. The scheme will embed sustainable travel behaviours from a young age, open doors to new opportunities, and help to meet our target of net zero emissions by 2045.

Please click on the link below for further information regarding the free travel scheme.

Young Person’s Free Bus Travel Scheme (under 22s) Dec 21