All posts by L McDermott

Parent Council Meeting Wednesday 28th August 2024

Wednesday 28th August @ 6.PM – 7PM
Our next Parent Council meeting will be held at Riverbrae School. We hope this gives you all an opportunity to come along and join in discussions on matters on the agenda. We look forward to hearing your views, suggestions and ideas.
It is important that everyone in our community has the chance to have input. We try to accommodate and alternate daytime and evening meetings within school and online via Teams for people who cannot attend a meeting at school.
If you have any matters or questions wishing to be added to the agenda, please email  Could we please ask that items you may wish to add to the agenda are emailed in by Monday 26th August, thank you.
Due to time limits we can only address matters on the agenda. In the unlikely event that matters that have been raised but not discussed in the meeting will be added next time, we do try to allocate time to everything.
We look forward to welcoming you all along and hope



Congratulations to Class 305 for coming 2nd in the Childsmile competition to design a t shirt for National Smile month. The class have won goodie bags for themselves but also for all of Primary 1 and 2 who take part in the Childsmile programme in school. Look out for the bags coming home this week.

Summer Fayre 2024

Could all stall helpers please collect a yellow wristband on or before Saturday, preferably before as this will make it easier on the day. If you would prefer your wristband to be sent home in your child’s school bag please let us know and this can be arranged.

Can we please ask that you turn up 15minutes before you are due to go on stall, this will allow smoother hand over from previous helper.

All school stalls will run on tickets only, there will be no cash at stall, each ticket represents £1 and there will be a sign at your stall to let you know how many tickets your activity/stall costs.

Tickets for stalls for public can be bought from 1 of our 2 ticket stalls on the day.

Thank you so much again for all you help.


Emma McDonald

Riverbrae Summer Fayre Co-ordinator

Press, Print, Repeat!

Thank you to all of the pupils and staff who have been involved in our school workshops. We are excited to share that pupil’s work will be displayed in The Art Department, Paisley, in July.

We hope you are able to visit the show and join the Project Ability team on Saturday 6th July at 12 noon for a celebratory opening event.

A big congratulations to all of the pupils on their wonderful creations – it looks set to be an amazing exhibition!


Best wishes,

Lisa Clark Woods

Create Programme Manager