Riverbrae Parent Council Welcomes You to Our Coffee Morning. Friday 23rd February 10am – 12 noon


Riverbrae Parent Council
Welcomes You to Our Coffee Morning.
Friday 23rd February 10am – 12 noon
Please come along meet the team, other parent /carers along with a cuppa and cake!
Our Riverbrae Choir is looking forward to entertaining you.
And our Secondary Phase Pupils will be helping us too!

There will be football team cards to take away and fill out for anyone wishing to help to
raise funds for our Parent Council and with a chance of one lucky person on each
card winning a cash prize – everyone is a winner!
Please ask a member of the team if you are interested.

There will be good quality used uniform in the parents room.
Should you wish to stock up (small donations are always welcome).
Any donations of decent quality uniform you may wish to donate.
Could you please remove any names from the garments
and hand into the school by Thursday 22nd.

Any cake donations to the coffee morning will be
gratefully received. Could we please ask that these are handed
into school by Thursday 22d.
We look forward to meeting you and thank you all for supporting our Parent Council and the Riverbrae Community.

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