Can you help?

We are enhancing our Heuristic play resources and I was hoping you could put something out on the school mobile app asking parents if they have any of the following items they do not use and could donate to the nursery.

Wooden Dolly pegs

Egg cups (wooden or metal)

Wooden spoons

Curtain Rings (wooden or metal)

Leather purses/Wallets

Bath plugs with chain

Metal whisk


Metal spoons

Metal lids off jars (cooking jars etc)

Tea Strainers

Old gift boxes

Tins with lids

Kitchen roll holder

Mug tree

Wooden door knobs

Baskets (various sizes. With and without handles)

Bags (leather, material)

Ribbons and Material

Wooden Nail brushes


We don’t want anyone to go out and buy anything new, only if they have these items lying around not being used.

Thank you in advance

Amanda Murray

Senior Early Learning and Childcare officer

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