Christmas Art Exhibition Monday 12th December

Christmas Art Exhibition   Monday 12th December

All pupils from the ELCC and Primary three upwards have created a canvas which will be displayed on the day, you will then be able to take your child’s canvas home with you. On the day there will be refreshments and our school choir will be performing at each time slot. We hope you can join us. Please note Primary 1 and 2 classes (202,203,301,302,304) are not taking part in the exhibition as they are involved in the Christmas Nativity.

10-11am (ELCC, 303,305,306-312, 503/4, 505,506,507)

11am-12pm (classes 401-410)

Please join us for Christmas carols, a mince pie and coffee and to view your child’s master piece

(ELCC and Primary 3 classes upwards)




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