Riverbrae Parents Newsletter

23 September 2021

Dear Parents / Carers

As we approach the September Weekend, I wanted to thank you for your continued support as we continue to navigate the ever changing landscape.

It has been great to have all our children and young people back with us and I have been so impressed at how quickly they have settled into their new classes.

We are hoping that as of next week we will be able to arrange some planned outings for classes with an emphasis on Health and Wellbeing. We will look at each class individually and work alongside the class teacher to decide what supports are required before going out. We will keep you informed about any trips planned for your child’s class.

We have linked in again this session with Hear my Music and Nordoff Robbins and I am delighted that they will be able to come into school to support our young people.

We are also in the process of organising some drama and art projects in October for the children and young people to participate in.

Before Lockdown we had been successful in our application for funds to develop a rebound therapy programme. We now have all the equipment required and are looking to get this programme up and running in October. Classes will be in touch if your child is involved in this programme.

We continue to work alongside the Paisley Callants Rotary Club, and we have been asked to create some pieces of art work for two of the bedrooms at Ronald McDonald house. Watch this space for some very creative pieces of art from our children and young people.

We have organised for M and M productions to come to the school on 26th October to perform “Pirates of the Caribbean”. We will continue to follow Covid procedures during this visit.

Dates for your Diary
Friday 24th September– September Weekend
Thursday 7th October – Parents Evening (remotely)
Friday 8th October – October Week
Monday 18th October – Staff In-service Day


We continue to monitor our communication to ensure that all enquiries are dealt with as quickly as possible and if you need to get in touch with us you can do so by:

  • Emailing our school enquires mailbox – riverbraeenquiries@renfrewshire.gov.uk
  • Replying to any school text
  • Via google classrooms
  • By telephoning the school on 0300 300 1372
  • The school App – General information for pupils and staffKind Regards                                                                                                                    Michelle Welsh

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