Welcome to our new Inclusion Support Assistant

Welcome to our new Inclusion Support Assistant

Claire Macaskill who has joined Riverbrae’s Inclusion Team.

Inclusion Support

The Inclusion Support role within Riverbrae is primarily to engage Parents and provide extra support to families when required.  This may be in the form of home visits or a one-to-one meeting where we can assist with general questions, school queries or signpost people to other services e.g.Advice Works or Families First Groups who can help.  We also organise and run Parent/Caregiver groups within the school and provide a reliable point of contact for anyone who has a specific barrier or issue that they are dealing with.

Please do get in touch if there is anything that we can help you with regardless of what the query may be.  Feel free to call, email us directly or discuss with whomever your point of contact at school may be and they will arrange a call back.

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