News from Riverbrae

29 April 2020

Dear Parent / Carer

We could never have predicted the world that we now find ourselves in and the new challenges that we are experiencing and feeling. However, despite this it is a very proud time to be part of the Riverbrae community. Our staff, parents and pupils have risen to the challenge and we continue to work hard to deliver quality experiences for all our children and young people using Google classrooms.

While our school may be closed our staff are working from home to ensure that our children and young people are provided with a variety of tasks and activities to keep everyone going. The creativity and variety of the tasks from all the staff has been inspiring. We know that everyone’s circumstances are different and that some of children and young people will find it difficult to engage in the activities online, please only do what you can.

Finally, I want to thank everyone for their commitment from everyone in our Riverbrae community. We understand that there is a lot of uncertainty and that it is not easy for everyone, but we will get through this and when we come out the other end we will be there to support you all. Please do not stress if you feel your child is not doing enough, do what is manageable for you and your family. Please know that the staff are missing all their children and young people and that we are all looking forward to welcoming you all back when Riverbrae re-opens.



At this time it is not as simple to get in touch. However, we are still contactable and would love to hear from you.

We continue to monitor our communication and if you need to get in touch with us you can do so by

  • Emailing our school enquires mailbox –
  • Replying to any school text
  • Via google classrooms
  • By telephoning the school on 0300 300 1372
  • The school App – General information for pupils and staff

Please also follow us on twitter and follow some of the wonderful work that some of our children and young people are doing at home.


Leadership Equity Ambition Respect Nurture

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