Information for Schools

Role of the Sensory Support Teacher

This role is to support children/young people using the GIRFEL model to remove barriers to learning, enabling children/young people to access rich, relevant learning experiences. Ways this is achieved include:

Direct teaching
  • to support pupils within classes, in small groups and individually (click here for additional information on notetaking)
  • tutorial support
  • to be involved in the assessment, planning, recording and reporting process;
  • to support pupils in their use of equipment and technology
Curriculum development
  • to support the differentiation of the curriculum to ensure access for pupils with additional needs;
  • to provide differentiated resources to meet the specific needs of pupils;


Staff development
  • to deliver staff development on a particular area of expertise/on strategies to support individual children/on using technology for individual children;


Consultation and liaison
  • to provide advice and support to individual staff
  • to contribute to the range of meetings organized by the educational establishment
  • to work in partnership with parents;
  • to liaise with other agencies as required;


Other Duties
  • to contribute to whole school approaches to inclusion;
  • to contribute to the ongoing improvement of the support service.
  • PL with regards to GTCS standards