Expressive Arts

At Rashielea, we aim for all children to:

  • develop important skills, both those specific to the expressive arts and those which are transferable
  • experience enjoyment and contribute to other people’s enjoyment through creative and expressive performance and presentation
  • be creative and express themselves in different ways


Expressive Arts
The inspiration and power of the arts play a vital role in enabling our children and young people to enhance their creative talent and develop their artistic skills. By engaging in experiences within the expressive arts, children and young people will recognise and represent feelings and emotions, both their own and those of others. The expressive arts play a central role in shaping our sense of our personal, social and cultural identity. Learning in the expressive arts also plays an important role in supporting children and young people to recognise and value the variety and vitality of culture locally, nationally and globally.
Learning in, through and about the expressive arts enables children and young people to:

  • develop an appreciation of aesthetic and cultural values, identities and ideas and, for some,
  • prepare for advanced learning and future careers by building foundations for excellence in the expressive arts.

The expressive arts are rich and stimulating, with the capacity to engage and fascinate learners of all ages, interests and levels of skill and achievement. We  encourage the children to express themselves while giving them the opportunity to use a wide range of materials and to develop various techniques and skills. Classrooms and corridor walls are a record of the variety of work that is done and the imagination and skill of our pupils.


This year, all classes have taken part in Charanga Music programme and developed an understanding of rhythmic patterns, musical notes and singing.
Our music programme allows children the chance to enjoy listening to music and to participate in music making either by singing, using percussion instruments, or learning to play the cello or violin. Weekly visits by music specialists allow us to offer violin and cello instruction to those children who want it and are able to benefit from it. We also have an excellent middle-school choir which is organised by Mrs Meiklejohn. As well as performing in school they are involved in performing at a range of community  events throughout the year.


Through a variety of drama games and role play activities through literacy and HWB, we promote expression and communication as well as self confidence. Children will be encouraged to think of and discuss movement, speech, space and sound. We offer all children opportunities to watch, take part and enjoy drama productions.

Learning for today, inspiring for tomorrow!

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