
Here at Rashielea we actively encourage communication with the parents and guardians of our pupils. We believe that effective communication between the school and the home can only enhance the education of our pupils. We welcome enquiries.

You may contact the school in a variety of ways, which are listed below. We welcome visits to the school but we would recommend that you contact the school secretary to ensure that a member of staff will be free to meet with you upon your arrival.

Head Teacher: Mrs Rachael Clark

School Address : Rashielea Primary School, North Barr, Erskine, PA8 6EX.

Telephone: 03003000156

Telephone Calls

It is our aim to provide an excellent service to parents and carers.  Ms Craig, Mrs Stevenson or Miss Mitchell are based in the office and will usually be one or other of them who would answer the telephone.

The telephone may, though, be answered by any member of staff.

Where possible we will try to answer the telephone within 3 rings. We have two phone lines. It is possible that one line may be engaged and the second line rings out. If we can, we may put the first caller on hold in order to answer the second.

Occasionally there may be times when both members of the office staff are unavailable. In order to address this situation we now have an answer phone which will enable a caller to leave a message and we will either pass the message to the appropriate person or will phone back depending on the situation. We will check messages regularly.



Each class in the school is assigned a Seesaw page where teachers can share work, achievements and effective learning with parents and guardians at home. The children love to share their learning this way and it creates a fantastic avenue to engage in learning conversations while at home and in school.

This app also allows parents and teachers to communicate through a message service.  Parents can contact their child’s class teacher, the office staff or a member of management and their message will be responded to when possible with either a replying message or a phone call, depending on the nature of the enquiry.

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