Staff Car park
Parents/Carers are reminded that the car park is not for pick up/drop off. This is for staff and visitors only. Children are not allowed to walk through the car park in the morning or at the end of the school day.
Road Safety
We are focusing on two important issues that effect the health and safety of children at our schools Dangerous parking and Inconsiderate parking which cause congestion around schools and endangers the safety of children walking in, out or around school premises.
If you are dropping or collecting your child at school, please follow these guidelines:
· Do not park on ‘Keep Clear’ markings or yellow lines
· Do not park on zig-zag markings
· Be considerate and do not stop in the middle of the road
· Do not park on pavements or across dropped kerbs
Engine Idling
Keeping your engine running while you are waiting near the school creates toxic carbon monoxide fumes which are harmful to children’s health. Also, it’s against the law and carries a fixed penalty.
The solution is simple—if you are waiting to collect your child at school, turn our engine off.
School Uniform
Parents are urged to comply with our school uniform policy and avoid purchasing trainers and sportswear with logos.
This has recently resulted in children being excluded from friendship groups due to clothing and footwear.
A large number of parents remain in the school playground at the end of the day, allowing their children to play. There have been an increasing number of incidents where children are being hurt or involved in fighting.
Please note after 3pm parents are responsible for their children and are encouraged to leave the playground.
ROSC have a let of the school playground from 3.15—6pm. You are kindly requested not to enter the playground at this time, unless, collecting your child from an After School Club.
No adults should approach children in the playground.
Due to the number of children with severe allergies, we request that birthday cakes are not sent in to school on your child’s birthday.
Thank you for your support.
Please find link below to view the full school newsletter.