All posts by Miss Grant

Homework w/b 15/4/19

Good Afternoon everyone! I hope you all had a restful holiday.

Here is the homework for this week:


  1. A new book has been issued to each child today.
  2. Spelling rule this week is ‘oi’,  The words the children chose were: Red  – coins, oink, boil and oil. Blue – tinfoil, voice, noise and toilet.


  1. This week the children have been given a little challenge. I have explained that as we are on holiday on Friday that this challenge does not need to be finished this week. This has been given to them to take home however I will also post it here: 

    Your child should make a maths game on something that they have learned in maths since joining Primary 2. The games will be kept in class for the children to enjoy during free flow and math sessions, to help them remember previous learning. The game should be handed in on Monday 29th of April.

    The game can be as creative as they wish. Here are some suggestions:

    • Card game.
    • Board game.
    • Physical game.

    Things we have covered this year:

    Addition, subtraction, counting in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, number bonds, shape, measure, symmetry, weight, time, odd and even, diagrams.

    Many thanks,

    Primary 2 teachers.


Miss Grant

Engineering Cars Project

Today we came to the end of our cars project. Everyone had a fantastic experience and some children said that it had inspired them to become an engineer! Six cars competed to travel furthest and as straight as possible. Creativity of design was also part of the criteria! All the cars did very well but the tiger car was the final winner. Well done to everyone! The children worked very hard and really enjoyed themselves. Thanks to Matthew and Alan, our engineers who helped us make our cars. Thank you also to all parents who sent in items for us to use in our car designs.

Loose Parts

We have been developing our loose parts and creative areas in the classroom! Thank you so much to those parents have already sent in lots of things for us to use! If you have anything lying about like old buttons, pieces of material, junk like milk cartons or kitchen roll holders, shells, pebbles, marbles, sticks then feel free to send them in for us to use.

Thanks again

Miss Grant

Homework w/b 25/3/19

Good Afternoon everyone!

Homework will be a little different this week on the run up to the holidays.


  1. A library book of your child’s choosing will be brought home to enjoy. If your child has finished it before Friday, encourage them to bring it back and choose another to enjoy.
  2. Spelling rule this week is ‘or’, however there will be no formal homework on this as it will be done in class time. The words the children chose were: Red  – fork, sport, short and forest, Blue – passport, orphan, fortune and orange.


  1. This week we would like the children to practise their mental maths by logging on to sumdog. A reminder that sumdog passwords are in your child’s homework diaries.

A few reminders:

  • This week is Big Pedal – please park bikes and scooters in the corner outside Miss Finnigan’s classroom.
  • Thursday – House Quiz day – children are encouraged to wear their house colour this day. Good Luck Primary 2!

Miss Grant

Big Pedal

Big Pedal will take place next week (w/b 25th March). P2G should place their bikes on the railings at the corner of Miss Finnigan’s classroom (not along the narrow path). We will get the chance to cycle every day. All children are required to wear a helmet whilst cycling or scooting. Can you please check that your child’s bike is suitable for them i.e. their saddle is at the correct height, handlebars are straight). Thanks 🙂

Miss Grant

Telling the Time

P2G have been learning about telling the time. We learned about o’clock, half past and even challenged ourselves by trying some activities on quarter past and quarter to! We had great fun testing each other and it has been great to see the children referrring to the time more in class.


P2G and P2S Engineering

Today, we had the exciting task of testing our cars. We adjusted our wheels and adapted our cars to make them go down a ramp and travel as far as possible. We really enjoyed this and it was great to see our cars in action!

A huge thanks to Alan, our engineer, who has helped us through the project. Below are the three cars who travelled the furthest with their creators!

Homework w/b 18th March

Good Morning everyone!

Here is our homework for the week ahead:


The children have been issued with their new reading book. The children have already been spotting ‘ou’ (as in out) words in their reading books.


The children have been issued with a counting in tens worksheet to complete. I have directed them to their hundred squares in their diaries to help them with this.


Our sound this week is ‘ou ’. The spelling words we chose were:

Red Group: house, about, couch and mouse.

Blue Group: pound, mouthful, voucher and proud.

Our common words this week are:

long, made, may, part.

Tommy the Tree Frog has been given out to a child today and is due back on Wednesday if possible. When he is given out on Wednesday he is due back on a Friday.


Miss Grant

Homework w/b 11/3/19

Good Morning everyone!

Here is our homework for the week ahead:


The children have been issued with their new reading book. The children have already been spotting ‘ew’ (as in stew) words in their reading books.


The children have issued with an addition to 20 worksheet to complete. This helps with their number bonds to 20 and hopefully they can make a connection to their number bonds to 10.


Our sound this week is ‘ew ’. The spelling words we chose were:

Red Group: news, chew, stew, crew.

Blue Group: newspaper, view, chewing, jewels.

Our common words this week are:

day, did, get and come.

Tommy the Tree Frog has been given out to a child today and is due back on Wednesday if possible. When he is given out on Wednesday he is due back on a Friday.


Miss Grant

World Book Day

We had such a good day today for World Book Day! We shared our favourite books and learned what Miss Grant’s favourite book was. We also did a Book Quiz and were very competitive! P6M came down to watch David Walliams read an extract from his book Gangsta Granny which had us all in stitches. We then shared our favourite books with them.

Thank you so much to all the children and their families and friends for sponsoring the reading challenge. We have raised a lot of money for literacy resources for the school which will benefit everyone.

Thanks again

Miss Grant