All posts by Miss Grant

Bake Sale

Apologies, I forgot to remind the children today that we will be going to the P1 Bake Sale tomorrow morning.

If you are happy for your child to buy something at the bake sale please provide them with some money.  We are going before morning interval, so they could buy something for their snack.

Many thanks,

Miss Grant

Homework w/b 20/5/19

Good Afternoon everyone!

Here is the homework for this week:


A new book has been issued to each child today.
The spelling rule this week is ‘ir’. The words the children chose were:

Red – whirl, skirt, girl, bird.

Blue – thirsty, whirlpool, squirrel, circle.

Common words are some, would, could, like.


Early Multiplication Worksheet.

The school newsletter has went home today as well as a letter regarding the new parent pay service.

Primary 1 are holding a Bake Sale on Thursday 23rd May.  There will be a selection of cakes suitable for children with allergies. The cakes will be priced between 20p and £1.

I look forward to seeing you all at parent’s night.


Miss Grant

STEM Afternoon

This afternoon in P2G was great fun! We had a full afternoon of science and technology. First, as part of The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch, we talked about electricity and how this works to power a lighthouse. We then discussed how we make things work and what is needed to conduct electricity. We then worked hard to make our own circuits. We learned that if one part of the circuit is broken, this means that the whole circuit does not work. Then, as part of our health and well-being topic on living things, we conducted a science experiment on our own plants. We planted our own broad beans and hypothesised about how they would grow under different conditions such as no air, no water, no light and looked after. We are looking forward to seeing whether our predictions were correct!


Homework w/b 13/5/19

Good Afternoon everyone! What lovely weather we are having.

Here is the homework for this week:


A new book has been issued to each child today.
The spelling rule this week is ‘er’. The words the children chose were:

Red – after, her, super, butter.

Blue – winter, flower, sister, summer.

Common words are use, each, many, about.


Number worksheet.

Quite a few letters went home today regarding the school’s new phone number, sports day and the new pay system. Please let me know if you did not receive any of these as there was a couple spare at the end of the day. There is also a letter with parents night times. If there are any issues with times please let me know as soon as possible so I can offer another time. There is also attached a pupil/parent response sheet that can help to identify what should be discussed. These have to be handed in by Friday 17th May please.


Miss Grant

Freeflow Play Resources

Hi there

We are planning to conduct a science experiment next week that will involve the use of plastic bottles. If you have any plastic bottles can you please send them in with your child and give them to Miss Grant.


The Primary 2 Teachers

Homework w/b 8/5/19

Hi there! I hope you had a restful weekend.

There is no formal homework this week due to the short week. The sound we are learning this week is ‘nk’ as in think, wink. I have asked the children to try and find some of these words in any reading they do at home.

Children have been encouraged to try and play sumdog at least one time this week.


Miss Grant

Homework w/b 29th April

Good Afternoon everyone! I hope you all had a lovely Easter.

Here is the homework for this week:


A new book has been issued to each child today.
The spelling rule this week is ‘al’. The words the children chose were:

Red – ball, salt, talk, walk.

Blue – also, always, chalk, walk.

Common words are when, what, who and where.


Direction Activity Worksheet

Thank you so much for the support in helping to make the maths games! They were amazing! The children had great fun playing with them and most of them loved them so much that they wanted to take them home!

A letter has went home today regarding parents night.


Miss Grant

Gaelic Music Workshop

Today, P2 had great fun taking part in a Gaelic music workshop. We learned some different Gaelic phrases to say how we were, as well as learning about some different instruments including the guitar and the accordion. We had a lovely time singing with our visitors.

The children took a leaflet home detailing summer workshops related to this if you wish to find out more information.

Changing states experiment

Primary 2 have been learning about solids, liquids and gases as part of their science topic.  They enjoyed identifying different things in the classroom as the different types of matter. Today we looked at how matter can change state when a chemical reaction takes place. Each group had their own ice melting experiment to determine what conditions made ice melt the fastest. The different conditions were: salt, warm water, cold water, direct sunlight, use of a radiator and no change. We found out that the bowl of ice that had no change melted the fastest. We believe this was because, due to the sunny day, the classroom held in the heat similar to a greenhouse, causing the ice to melt fast. We had great fun investigating!

Homework w/b 23rd April

Good Afternoon everyone! I hope you all had a lovely Easter.

Here is the homework for this week:


A new book has been issued to each child today.
Spelling rule this week is ‘oy’. The words the children chose were: Red – boy, joy, enjoy and toy. Blue – enjoying, annoyed, royal and destroy. Common words are were, said,  by and not.


This week the children have been given a problem solving activity that relates to their new topic of direction.

The field timetable is now up and running and children will be told each day if it is their day for the field. They can bring in field shoes to wear when on the field which can be kept in their school bag or their PE kit bag.

Also, for masterclass for the next few weeks Mrs Kane will be holding a pebble painting hour to practise fine motor skills, colour mixing, pattern and mindfulness. If you are able to, please allow your child to bring in a smooth pebble large enough to create paint patterns. If you have any extra around it would be greatly appreciated if these were also brought in to share with the other children.


Miss Grant