Good afternoon! Here is our homework for the week ahead:
Maths Homework is due on Thursday. Spelling and Reading Homework is due on Friday.
Each child has been given a new school reading book to read aloud and discuss this week. These will be collected in on Friday.
The maths homework this week is revision of number bonds to 10. I went over this in class with the children today so hopefully they can complete this. The sheet should be completed and handed back by Thursday.
We discussed short vowel sounds today (when the vowel makes its own sound) and came up with some fantastic words! The spelling words we chose were:
had, exit, snip, odd, under
Our common words this week are:
from, or and one.
As always, please ask if you have any queries either through the homework diary or at the end of the day.
Ospreys have a non-uniform day this Friday due to winning the house points this month.
Miss Grant