All posts by Miss Grant

Homework w/b 19/11/18

Good afternoon!

Here is our homework for the week ahead:


The children have been given out brand new reading books this week. They are due back on Friday.


For maths homework this week we ask that you take part in the Renfrewshire Sumdog contest by playing it each night. We have also included some oral counting game suggestions.


Our sound this week is ‘y as an e’. The spelling words we chose were:

Red Group: only, happy, cherry and baby.

Blue Group: only, money, strawberry and fantasy.

Our common words this week are:

which, she, do how.

As always, please ask if you have any queries either through the homework diary or at the end of the day.

A gentle reminder that trip money (£2) and a slip confirming lunches is to be in no later than Thursday of this week. Thank you for all of the help offered for our trip to Stirling Castle, we were overwhelmed with your generosity.


Thursday afternoon also sees a presentation from Mrs Davidson and Mr Collins about the launch of Primary 2 book bags from Book Week Scotland. After the presentation there is an opportunity to come into the classroom to explore the books and activities within the bags with your child. Please do not worry if you are unable to make this event, I will be there to support and read with all children and the book bags will be sent home for you to enjoy together.


Miss Grant

Homework w/b 12/11/18

Good afternoon!

Here is our homework for the week ahead:


The children have been given out brand new reading books this week. They are due back on Friday. We have been enjoying the use of hop, skip and jump to help us with our reading. Ask your child to show you this.


Maths homework this week focusses on written sums. This is due on Thursday.


Our sound this week is ‘ck’. The spelling words we chose were:

Red Group: trick, quack, duck and truck.

Blue Group: stack, brick, bucket and packet.

Our common words this week are:

there, use, and and each.

As always, please ask if you have any queries either through the homework diary or at the end of the day.

The children have a letter in their bookbags today about an upcoming trip.  A small slip at the bottom has to be returned by the 22nd November.



Miss Grant

Homework w/b 5/11/18

Good afternoon!

Here is our homework for the week ahead:


The children have been given out brand new reading books this week. They are due back on Friday. We have been enjoying the use of hop, skip and jump to help us with our reading. Ask your child to show you this.


Maths homework this week is a mix of ordering numbers and symmetry. This is due on Thursday.


Our sound this wee is ‘ss/zz’. The spelling words we chose were:

Red Group: mess, kiss, buzz and fizz.

Blue Group: dress, press, fizzy and dizzy.

Our common words this week are:

when, your, can and said.

As always, please ask if you have any queries either through the homework diary or at the end of the day.

Friday 9th November is a fundraiser day for the cinebus which involves giving a donation to dress up like a movie character.

P2 were issued with a castle project for homework last week. The details are as follows, this is also in children’s bookbags:

Home Castle Challenge

In class we are learning all about Scottish Castles in the past. We would like you to create a Castle at home. It should have a moving part, e.g. a drawbridge or a flag pole. You can use any material you wish. We would like to see the following features in your castle:

  • Moat
  • Drawbridge
  • Battlements
  • Portcullis
  • Arrow Slits
  • Towers.

Your castle should be brought into class to show on Tuesday 4th December. We look forward to seeing what you have created. Have fun!

Miss Grant

Homework w/b 29/10/18

Good afternoon!

Here is our homework for the week ahead:


The children have been given out brand new reading books this week. They are due back on Friday. We have been enjoying the use of chunky monkey to help us with our reading. Ask your child to show you this.


Maths homework this week is work on ordering and sequencing numbers up to 100. This is due on Thursday.


Our sound this wee is ‘ll’. The spelling words we chose were:

Red Group: will, spell, ball and lolly.

Blue Group: will, spellbook, football and lollipop.

Our common words this week are:

what, all, were and we.

As always, please ask if you have any queries either through the homework diary or at the end of the day.

Wordwalls are being worked through this week. Could you please leave them blank so that I can keep track of my ticks if new ones are issued. Thanks.

P2 were issued with a castle project for homework this week. The details are as follows, this is also in children’s bookbags:

Home Castle Challenge

In class we are learning all about Scottish Castles in the past. We would like you to create a Castle at home. It should have a moving part, e.g. a drawbridge or a flag pole. You can use any material you wish. We would like to see the following features in your castle:

  • Moat
  • Drawbridge
  • Battlements
  • Portcullis
  • Arrow Slits
  • Towers.

Your castle should be brought into class to show on Tuesday 4th December. We look forward to seeing what you have created. Have fun!

Miss Grant

Homework w/b 22/10/18

Good afternoon! I hope everyone had a restful holiday.

Here is our homework for the week ahead:


The children have picked a book from the library to read to you at home this week.


Maths homework this week is sumdog to revise addition skills and shape from last term. I have told the children that I will check how they have been getting on on Thursday.


Our sound this wee is ‘ff’. The spelling words we chose were:

Red Group: off, cliff, puff, stuff.

Blue Group: off, cliff, fluff, toffee.

The children have been told which group they are in and have put a coloured dot inside their homework jotters to remind them.

Our common words this week are:

by, words,  but and not.

As always, please ask if you have any queries either through the homework diary or at the end of the day.

Photograph days this week are Thursday and Friday.

Miss Grant


The children have asked me to put some songs on the blog that we were listening to yesterday.

This one is helping us learn our French numbers up to 20.

This one is helping us remember our short vowel sounds.


Miss Grant