All posts by gw10hunterjennifer2@glow

Maths Homework

The children have been given a special maths challenge for homework. We have asked them to think about all the different topics we have covered so far in maths and create an activity to help the class revise this learning (it can focus on one area or a mixture). It could be a quiz, a board game or a card game. We spoke about activities we already play in class and how they could use these ideas. The children have the next 2 weeks to create the game and it will then be kept in class for them to play during maths times. Good luck and I cannot wait to see what ideas the children come up with!

Homework w/b 25/03/2019


New reading book issued. Try to encourage the children to ask questions about their book using the 5 w’s (who, what, where, when, why).


This week we are focusing on Sumdog however children can still be working on counting on and back in 2s, 5s and 10s.


Each day we will have a slot to go out on bikes and scooters as part of The Big Peddle. It would be helpful for bikes and scooters to be left down in the infant playground each morning as we will mainly be using this playground during the day.

Thursday is our House Quiz so children can wear house colours on this day.

We finish at 2.30pm on Friday. I hope everyone has a lovely holiday.



Reading – Enjoy reading a story each night that the children select. School reading books will be issued again from next Monday.

Maths – Revising counting forwards and backwards within 100. Revise counting in 2s.

This week the children will get home a sheet of 4 Scottish poems. They should select one to learn for the Burns Assembly.



You will shortly be receiving the Learning Journey of your child. This will be sent to the email that you provided. It would be helpful to both teachers if you could let us know if you receive the profile and what you think about it. We hope you enjoy it.

W/B 10.12.2018

This will b the last week of formal homework before the Christmas holidays. Spelling, Reading and Maths homework as usual.

There is some craft left over from the school fete. If the children would like to buy their Christmas Tree craft they can bring in 50p this week to buy it.

Friday is Christmas Jumper Day and a £1 donation has been suggested. A letter has been issued today about this.

Castle Collection

First I would like to say a big thank you for embracing the castle challenge with the children. I have a feeling there were a lot of busy households. The children have had great fun playing with the castles in class this week.

We will be sending the castles home with the children on Friday after school. Thank you once again for all the hard work and we hope the children continue to have fun with their castles at home.

W/B 26.11.2018


This week reading and spelling homework issued as normal. We continue to encourage the children to discuss the 3 sharing’s at home. For maths homework we would like the children to continue to work on counting backwards within 100.


Tomorrow is our trip to Stirling Castle. A reminder that if you did not order a lunch then the children should bring a packed lunch with them. It will be helpful to put their name on the bag. Children have to wear school uniform and sensible shoes for walking around in. We will be leaving sharp in the morning so I will open the doors 5 minutes early to allow the children to get to the toilet.

House Art Day

This will take place on Thursday. Please remember to send the children in clothes that you do not mind getting messy.

Enjoy the extra day off on Friday to celebrate St Andrew’s Day.

Homework w/b 29.10.2018

Reading – New book issued today. Read aloud and discuss at home.  Continue with word walls.

Maths – Car Park maths sheet issued today. Also continue to revise counting on and back with the children within 100.

Spelling – New rule on Wednesday.

Other – The children have been issued with a Castle Challenge today. This is not due in until the 4th December so you have plenty of time to get crafty.

Homework W/B 01.10.2018


New maths sheet issued focusing on missing numbers, numbers before and numbers after.


New reading book issued to read aloud and discuss at home. Continue to revise word walls also.


New rule will be issued on Wednesday.

As this is STEM Week the children have been asked to bring in one piece of junk material for a task tomorrow afternoon (if they can).