All posts by Mrs McNaught

Sports Day Update

The weather forecast is not great for either Wednesday or Thursday this week. As Thursday appears to be worse than Wednesday, sports day will go ahead as best as possible tomorrow.  Some alterations may need to be made during the day if the weather becomes very bad.

Please come prepared with waterproof clothing. The temperature also looks low so a jumper or sweatshirt may also be required.

If you are taking your child out of school at lunchtime they will be dismissed by their class teacher from the usual exit door, not from the school office.

Email and Twitter Feed

We are aware that there is a delay between the time the class teachers post to the blog and parents receive an email alert or a notification on twitter. The delay can be as much as 48 hours. Unfortunately this is not something we have control over. Therefore we would ask that in the meantime you access the school/class blog for the most up to date information.

We are also experiencing difficulties with the Bishopton Enquiries email address. If you need to make contact with the school office please phone rather than email for the time being.

We will update you when these issues have been resolved. Apologies in the meantime for the inconvenience.