W/k beg 29.01.18

Good afternoon!

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. Please see below for homework and news.


Spelling: We have been learning all about Magic e and this week we will focus on o-e (hole, bone, cone, rose). Children copy their spelling words into their jotter on a Monday and should write them out twice in their homework jotter. They should also complete a sentence featuring one or more of their spelling words. There were some super sentences last week!

Reading: Reading books will be issued on Monday. Our current focus within story writing is setting, so if possible, please discuss the setting of the story with your child. We have been learning how to use adjectives and nouns to describe what we see, hear, smell, touch and taste when we are thinking about where a story is set.

Maths: We have been learning how to count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s as well as how to double, half, share and divide. This week we will be focusing on what we already know to help us with place value and adding and subtracting with tens and units. There will be a sheet to accompany this.


Scottish Poems and Assembly: I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the children’s Scottish poems last week.  Everyone worked hard to prepare them and should be very proud of themselves! As well as reciting their poems in front of their peers, several pupils visited other classes to perform their poems before we selected a class winner. Our whole school Scottish assembly is on Thursday – your child may wear or bring along something tartan for the occasion.

P.E. Kit: Most pupils have now returned their full kit to school after taking it home for the holidays. Could I please ask that, if possible, your child’s clothing is labelled with their name? We have several pupils with similar pairs of gym shoes and it helps us to return the correct things to the correct person.

Engineering Project: We are almost ready to start our engineering project – thank you for all your shoebox donations!

Have a lovely week ahead, and as always, thank you for your support.

Miss Cauley