Primary 2 Trip to Calderglen Country Park

On Tuesday 31st March Primary 2 will be going on a school trip to Calderglen Country Park.

Please access your Parent Pay Account to give permission, and to make payment for your child to take part in this event.

Children should wear a red school polo-shirt, leggings/tracksuit bottoms, waterproof coat and wellie boots/sturdy shoes suitable for walking along muddy trails.

Children should bring a small rucksack to carry their water bottle, snack and lunch. Your child will be responsible for their own belongings, so please ensure the bag is manageable for them to carry.

If you would like school to provide a packed lunch for your child please complete and return the slip to your child’s class teacher by Tuesday 24th March. Otherwise we will assume that you are happy to provide lunch for your child.

We are looking forward to a fun filled day. Many thanks again for your ongoing support.

The Primary 2 Team.