Big Pedal 2020

Good news !  The Big Pedal cycling, scooting and walking challenge is back.  From Wednesday 22nd April to Tuesday 5th May we would like you to bring your bike or scooter to school every day. You will get the chance to bike or scoot with your classmates and your teacher. If you can’t bring a bike or scooter, you can walk and that will count too.  For more information have a look at the Big Pedal website.

This is a national competition to see how many journeys we can make biking, scooting or walking. Please ask an adult to check that your bike or scooter is in good working order. You may bring a lock to use but you must be responsible for the key.

Rules – all cyclists MUST wear a helmet

– no cycling or scooting in the playground ( or the ashy path) unless you are with your teacher (on the way in/out, playtime and lunchtime)

We have taken part in this challenge for the last few years and it is always good fun.  We are usually in the top 10. Let’s try for top 3 this year!

Happy cycling/scooting/walking

Mrs Ferguson