Week Beginning 26th September

Good Afternoon!

I hope you all had an enjoyable and restful September weekend.

Some information for this week:


Our spelling rule this week is ‘qu’ as in ‘queen’ or ‘quack’. Children will have stuck in their spelling words into their homework jotters with Mr Collins today.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) I will issue the children with some number formation practice to start off their maths homework. Please try to do two lines per night if possible! The more practice the better.

We have also been learning about tens and units in maths and this game will help reinforce your child’s learning: http://www.ictgames.com/sharkNumbers/index.html

On top of that, to help with addition and number bonds practice there is also this game that can be played at different levels: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

We absolutely love our maths games on the computer and iPad!


Some of you have asked why your child is on a different book band from the end of last term. Do not worry! Some children have needed a bit of practice with a lower book band to get them back into reading. It is more than likely that a lot of these children will jump back up a band. Some of us have already taken that leap. I will be listening to reading as much as I can to make sure we’re all on the correct level.

I hope to give out another reading book this week but I do encourage that the children do as much reading at home as possible from other sources; be that magazines, newspapers, cereal boxes, their own books, anything! I love hearing about what else the children have been reading.

Read and munch will be back on this Friday! Hopefully the P7s will join us again.

Amazonia Trip & Parent’s Nights

In each bookbag you should have been issued a letter for parent’s night and a letter about the Amazonia trip. I urge you to get these filled out and sent back in as soon as you can so that we can get organised.

If you are available to help out with the Amazonia trip please do let me know! It will be on Thursday 5th October. We are very excited about this trip!

Have a lovely week everyone!

Miss Bachell