Children in Need 12-16th November

Fundraisers Banner image

Next week we will be raising money for Children in Need with lots of activities for pupils to take part in.

P1-3 Activities

There will be a colouring competition which the children can take part in for 20p a go. Decorate your Pudsey for Children in Need and hand it in to your teacher by Friday 16th November. The winning entry will win a  beautiful knitted Pudsey which has been donated by a member of staff.

P4-7 Activities

On Thursday the 15th of November the upper school will have the opportunity to visit a bake sale run and donated by Primary 6. Cakes will be priced from 20p-50p.

Whole School Activities

Throughout the week children will have the opportunity to guess Blush the bears birthday for 20p a go. If you guess Blush’s birthday correctly or the closest guess will receive a knitted Blush, also donated by a member of staff.

On Wednesday 14th November, pupils will have the opportunity to come to our Swap Shop to swap their old toys, books and DVDs. Each swap will cost 50p. Please bring in any re-useable toys, books and DVDs on Monday and Tuesday to P6a in order for us to organise our Swap Shop.

To finish off our week of fundraising pupils are asked to Wear their Spots! On Friday the 16th we will be supporting Pudsey and Children in Need by wearing something spotty for a suggested donation of £1.

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Thank you for your continued support during all our fundraising achievements.

Miss Altman