Homework 25/04/22


I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break and looking forward to the summer term. This week our spelling rule is ‘oy’.

  1. joy
  2. annoy
  3. destroy
  4. loyal

Our common words are:

  1. back
  2. give
  3. most
  4. very

Spelling words should be written a further twice. Explore the world around you to identify and read other words that use the “oy” spelling rule. Children should be familiar with the common words and we are focusing on them being able to spell these as well as being able to recognise and read them.

Select one or more one your spelling  words to put into a sentence. The children have been working hard on their sentence structure in Primary 2:

  • Capital letter at beginning of each sentence.
  • Finger spaces between each word.
  • Writing on the line, check formation of letters.
  • Interesting openers.
  • Punctuation, full stop at the end of a sentence.
  • Using nouns and adjectives to expand our sentence.

We would love to see the children challenge themselves by growing the words. For example, annoy – annoyed, annoying

Please, get in contact if you have any questions.

Many thanks

Miss Brown