Homework wb 22/11/21

Good morning everyone,

Hope you all had a fantastice weekend and are looking forward to an exciting week of learning.

In class, you will have learned  about the a_e spelling rule.

For your spelling homework please copy the words into your homework jotter, two further times.

  1. face
  2. race
  3. cake
  4. space

Common words

  1. their
  2. if
  3. will
  4. up

Explore the world around you to find other words that use the a_e spelling rule. We would love to hear these words in class.

We would also like you to create a sentence of your own. Your sentence should include at least one or more of the spelling rule words. If you would like to add more challenge, why not try to grow your words or think of other words which follow the same spelling rule.  Here is an example: The running race will be starting soon.

Shoot words
face – faced, faces

All homework should be returned by Friday for your teacher to mark.


The maths homework grid should be attached to your homework assignment. Remember to only complete one activity a week. The activities chosen should be different each week. This is to give the children some variety.


Your child has been issued a new book to read at home.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s teacher.