Microsoft Teams

Dear Primary 2,


Well done for a fantastic first day of home learning. We are all extremely proud of how well you have all been coping with this new change. Teams is a fantastic resource, however, because it is so good, most schools in Scotland are using it. When there is a high volume of people working on Teams it can slow the system down. Documents might not load properly, worksheets or powerpoints. It may even be difficult for you to upload your work for your teachers to see. When this happens, please do not worry. Just take a wee break and come back to it. Or start a new task.

A few wee helpful tips and reminders to make this process easier

  • You can click onto your notebook for each area (Literacy, Numeracy and Maths, IDL, Homework, Health and Well-being) and carry out work there, rather than trying to upload your work.
  • When you have completed work, could you please post on your class’ teams page to let your teacher know where to find your work to mark.
  • On the assignment page you can also click that you have seen the task or completed it. This is another way to notify teachers, once again though, please let us know where you have either uploaded your work or completed your work.
  • We have made the deadlines for each task for the Friday of the same week. This was just to ease the pressure from trying to complete all the tasks and upload them all in the one day. When you complete a task, and if you can upload evidence of work, please do. You do not need to wait until Friday.

A little extra note, there is a maths grid which has been uploaded to our teams’ page. This is your maths homework. You only need to complete one of these throughout the week. There will be numeracy and maths tasks/assignments posted every day. These should be completed every day. Literacy homework will be put into Monday’s literacy task.

As always we appreciate your cooperation,

Primary Two Teaching Team.