Homework wk beg. 13/05/19

I hope you have all been out and about enjoying this amazing weather!  I am with you all week as Miss Hunter is away with the P7s on their residential trip.  I am looking forward to a week full of learning and fun!

Maths homework was issued today, and should be handed in by Thursday please.  It is reinforcing our strategy of doubles.  Any problems don’t hesitate to ask.

Reading books were issued today.  Please ensure they are in school everyday, thank you.

Spelling will be issued on Wednesday as usual.

Parent’s Evening times were given out today with a form for you to complete with your child.  This will ensure key points for discussion are covered at our meetings next week.

A number of other letters about the new school phone number, parent pay scheme, sports day and the Book Fair were also given out today.

Many thanks,

Mrs Simpson