Homework w/b 23rd April

Good Afternoon everyone! I hope you all had a lovely Easter.

Here is the homework for this week:


A new book has been issued to each child today.
Spelling rule this week is ‘oy’. The words the children chose were: Red – boy, joy, enjoy and toy. Blue – enjoying, annoyed, royal and destroy. Common words are were, said,  by and not.


This week the children have been given a problem solving activity that relates to their new topic of direction.

The field timetable is now up and running and children will be told each day if it is their day for the field. They can bring in field shoes to wear when on the field which can be kept in their school bag or their PE kit bag.

Also, for masterclass for the next few weeks Mrs Kane will be holding a pebble painting hour to practise fine motor skills, colour mixing, pattern and mindfulness. If you are able to, please allow your child to bring in a smooth pebble large enough to create paint patterns. If you have any extra around it would be greatly appreciated if these were also brought in to share with the other children.


Miss Grant