Homework w/b 25/3/19

Good Afternoon everyone!

Homework will be a little different this week on the run up to the holidays.


  1. A library book of your child’s choosing will be brought home to enjoy. If your child has finished it before Friday, encourage them to bring it back and choose another to enjoy.
  2. Spelling rule this week is ‘or’, however there will be no formal homework on this as it will be done in class time. The words the children chose were: Red  – fork, sport, short and forest, Blue – passport, orphan, fortune and orange.


  1. This week we would like the children to practise their mental maths by logging on to sumdog. A reminder that sumdog passwords are in your child’s homework diaries.

A few reminders:

  • This week is Big Pedal – please park bikes and scooters in the corner outside Miss Finnigan’s classroom.
  • Thursday – House Quiz day – children are encouraged to wear their house colour this day. Good Luck Primary 2!

Miss Grant