Homework w/b 4/3/19

Good Morning everyone!

Thank you so much for your generosity last week for Fairtrade. We really enjoyed the experience and had great fun baking our Fairtrade goodies.

Here is our homework for the week ahead:


The children have been issued with their new reading book. The children have already been spotting ‘ow’ (as in crow) words in their reading books.


The children have issued with a subtraction worksheet to complete. They can use the hundred square at the front of their diaries to help them. They know to ‘jump’ back to subtract.


Our sound this week is ‘ow ’. The spelling words we chose were:

Red Group: bow, show, throw, blow.

Blue Group: window, pillow, shadow, tomorrow.

Our common words this week are:

now, find, its and down.

Tommy the Tree Frog has been given out to a child today and is due back on Wednesday if possible. When he is given out on Wednesday he is due back on a Friday.


We are celebrating world book day on Friday. This will be a non-uniform day and I have asked the children to bring in their favourite book from home in order to tell us about it. They were issued with sponsorship forms a short while ago for the Reading Challenge if they are taking part.


Miss Grant