We would like to begin using  Loose Parts to enhance our play and learning.  We are keen to develop  our supplies to give the children the opportunity to explore and investigate objects they may not normally play with.  We would be grateful if you could donate any of the following to your child’s class.  All we ask is that they are clean with no sharp edges.  You would be amazed at what the children can produce!

Loose Parts List:

shells, stones, wooden rings, glass beads, corks, bottle tops, buttons, bangles, pine cones, lids, tubs, wicker baskets, pipes, guttering, slices of wood, tubes, fabric, wallpaper, keys, padlocks, feathers, pots, pans, sieves, old cds, cooking utensils, pegs, ice cube trays, sponges, magnets, ribbon, netting………….

As you can see the list is pretty endless!

Loose parts play stimulates imagination and often acts as a catalyst for some of the most exciting play we have the privilege of being part of.

Thank you for your support.

The Primary 2 Team