Week Beginning 19th June

Good morning.

Reading books will be the only homework this week. Books must be returned on Friday. Homework diaries have been sent home in case you need to contact me.

Our Primary 2 assembly is on Wednesday 20th June this week.  It starts at 11am.  A letter went out on Friday to say that pupils should wear summer clothes for the assembly on Wednesday.  This can be shorts and t- shirts/ summer dresses etc.  These clothes should be brought into school on Wednesday morning in a plastic bag marked with your child’s name.  The children will change into these clothes before the assembly and change back into their uniforms after the assembly has taken place.  We can’t wait to perform for you all.

As of this week and over the last couple of days next week children’s work will begin it’s journey home to you. Could you please give your child a plastic bag for their folders etc.

This Friday, the 22nd, the Falcons can wear non uniform as they are currently the house with the most points.

Remember, if your child will be missing any school days this term for holidays etc., please send in a note to myself or the school office.

The countdown to summer has begun! Have a great week!

Miss B