RSHE Information Evening Tue 24th April

Sexual Health Education

My sincere apologies as this letter should have come to you much earlier. I have been on bereavement leave and only now catching up.

An important part of our Health Education and Personal and Social Development programmes is Sexual Health and Relationships Education.

National Guidelines on Sexual Health Education recommend that within the Primary sector, such lessons should be taught within a context, exploring physical, emotional and social themes.

Again this year, we plan to deliver lessons within this structure using a resource published by Positive Steps. This resource takes a holistic approach, with the lessons taking pupils through topics such as friendships and relationships, puberty and menstruation, decision making and self esteem and, for Primary 7 pupils, human reproduction.

An effective school and parent partnership will enhance and enrich any Sexual Health programme that is undertaken. I would therefore like to invite you to an information evening to be held in the school hall on Tuesday 24th April, commencing at 6pm. I will outline the programme, and you will have the opportunity to discuss the activities and view the resources, which will be incorporated into the lessons. For those of you who have already attended, this session will be a repeat of that delivered last year. We hope to conclude the presentation by 7pm. Anyone unable to attend please feel free to give me a call or alternatively I could email you the Powerpoint Presentation that I will use tomorrow.

Yours faithfully,

Catherine Davidson

Depute Head Teacher


Sexual Health Education – Parents’ Information Evening

Please tick the appropriate box. Please indicate how many adults will attend the meeting.


I / We will attend the information evening.   ______ adults will attend the meeting.

I / We will be unable to attend the information evening.

Name of pupil:                                                                                  


Parent’s signature: