Week Beg 19.03.18

Good afternoon!

I hope you’re all having a lovely weekend. Please see below for homework and class news.

Spelling: Our sound this week is ‘ea’ as in tea, sea, treat. In class we will be revising ‘ee’ and ‘e-e’ as well as discussing when ‘e’ is used as a single vowel sound.

Wordwalls: These will continue to be heard.

Reading: New reading books will be issued this week. We have been experimenting with our storyteller voice at read and munch time and I have been very impressed!

Maths: We have been learning about O’Clock this week as well as speaking about our daily timetables and routines. A maths homework sheet will be issued to support this. I have really enjoyed talking to the children about the time of day that they complete different tasks.

Oor Grandparents: A letter was issued about the project last week and I am already hearing several different ideas – it is wonderful! If you have any questions about this project or require paper please let me know.

Open Day: We can’t wait to see you next Tueaday afternoon. (27th). Pupils are looking forward to showcasing their topic work!

Have a great rest of your Sunday and as always, thank you for your support!

Miss Cauley