Sumdog Contest – Friday 16th to Thursday 22nd March

All P2-7 pupils have been entered into the Sumdog Renfrewshire Maths Contest. It starts at 8am on Friday 16th and ends at 8pm on Thursday 22nd March.

To earn points for your class, please play any games on Sumdog between these dates. You can answer up to 1000 questions to  climb the leaderboard to become one of the daily winners and help your class reach the top position. Good luck!

#sumdogcontest #makingmathscount

Here are some things to keep in mind during the contest:

  • You can play at any time.
  • For the score to count, the Renfrewshire Maths Contest activity must be showing in the green panel on the left of the your screen when you click to start each game.
  • Your score is based on correct answers.
  • A class’s score is the average of the scores from all pupils from that class who take part.
  • To appear on the leaderboard, at least 10 pupils from a class need to play.
  • As some pupils have limited computer access, every pupil is limited to 1000 contest questions. However, your free logins let you keep playing other activities afterwards.