‘Oor Grandparents’ project letter

For those who have not seen the letter handed out yesterday:

It is nearly the end of term 3, already! We have one more project we would like to do before the end of our Katie Morag topic- ‘Oor Grandparents’. We would love the children to talk to their grandparent (or equivalent) about when they were younger and create a small presentation about them. The children could ask questions about what school was like, what hobbies they had, what holidays were like and what their favourite sweets or snacks were. This presentation can be in any form: a story, a poster, a labelled picture or any other way you would like. Our criteria is that the presentation should have a picture of the child’s chosen person (a photograph or drawing) and provide some written information. Children should be able to talk about the person they have chosen to interview and answer questions about them. If your child requires any paper for a poster or story, this can be provided in school. We would like the children to be able to present during the last week of term (26th-29th March). Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about this project.

Thank you for your continued support during our additional homework tasks this year.

Primary 2 Teachers