Week Beginning 12th March

Good afternoon,

Homework and news as follows:


Spelling- This week our spelling rule is ‘ay’ as in ‘play’, ‘tray’, ‘way’ etc. The children will continue to choose their reading book and word walls will be checked this week.

Maths- A worksheet to consolidate knowledge on money so far. The children worked very hard to learn the different coins and create different coin combinations.

‘Oor Grandparents’ project: Your child will receive a letter to take home about this final Katie Morag project before the end of term. The children need to interview a grandparent (or equivalent) about what it was like when they were younger. They could ask about their favourite sweets, hobbies, school, etc. The children must create a small presentation about their chosen person. This can be in the form of a poster, labelled picture, story- whatever you like! The children must be able to talk about their person and be prepared to answer questions. All the information will be in your child’s letter.


It is going to be World Book Day tomorrow in Bishopton Primary! Your child may come as their favourite book character or wear pyjamas to school. If they choose not to wear either, they must come in school uniform. We will also be having our read & munch with Primary 7 tomorrow. We can’t wait!

Have a great week!

Miss B