Week Beginning 5th March

Good afternoon!

Sorry for the late blog post update- I hope you enjoyed your snow days! Homework and news as follows:


Due to the unexpected snow days I am giving the children an extra week with their reading book, spelling rule ‘wh’ and maths bingo. Children should continue to practice their spelling words and be answering questions about their reading book at home.


This week is health week.  Children can wear sporty gym gear each day.  Please remember to bring/ wear appropriate shoes for possible outdoor activities and playtimes/ lunchtimes.  We have a lot of visiting guests who will be sharing their knowledge with us this week.

On Thursday we will be making exotic fruit kebabs.  If possible, please bring in a piece of exotic fruit for your kebab.

We will have our read and munch on Friday.

World book day has been postponed until Monday 12th March. I hope that, despite the snow, we were all able to enjoy a good book last Thursday, maybe even in our costumes and pyjamas!

Thanks for all of your support and stay safe when travelling to and from school.

Miss B