Week Beginning 19th February

Good Morning,


Spelling- This week we are back to looking at the silent e rule, specifically u_e words such as tube and cube. All children have been learning about this rule in class but may have different spelling words.

Maths- For the next few weeks we will be focussing on money. In order to immerse the children in fun, relevant activities we have sent home a homework bingo sheet. There are 12 activities and I am looking for the children to complete at least 9 of these over the next three weeks. One of those activities is to play a money game online: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money

Reading- Children have been continuing to choose their own reading books and love discussing them in class.


Thank you for your donation of paper towards our papier mache scultures- we can’t wait for you too see them at our open afternoon (more news to follow!)

Have a great week,

Miss B