Week beginning 4th December

Good morning!


Spelling homework this week is look at y at the end of words  – as in holly, story, sorry, party.

Reading books continue. I won’t be making new wordwalls until next term. Please revise the walls your child has until then. All the children have been working really hard on their reading skills this term.

In maths this week, we are looking at rounding to the nearest 10.  This is quite tricky but we had a really good go! Here is a video we watched in class to help explain rounding to the nearest ten.  I’ve also attached an image of a 100 square to help them further.


We are really looking forward to our community woodland walk on Friday (weather permitting!) P2B are just looking for one more adult helper to come along, so if you can make it please write a note in the diary or a note in your child’s hand in the morning.

Nativity rehearsals are well underway and we are very excited to perform for you next Tuesday. Tickets will be given out to the children this week. A letter will also be sent out giving more details about the day (what to wear, etc.).

Thank you for your support during these busy Christmas weeks!

Miss B