Wk Beg 13.11.17

Good afternoon, I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend so far. Please see below for homework, news and class updates.


Our spelling sound this week is ‘ll’ as in ‘tell’, ‘fell’ or ‘bell’. We will continue to discuss the difference between single and double letter endings.

Here is a game focusing on ‘ll’ that can be played at home. Some words also contain sounds which we have covered already.


Reading books will be given out again this week. Children are growing in confidence when speaking about the beginning, middle and end of stories and we will continue to focus on this as a class.

If your child does not yet have a revised word wall then they will receive it this week. I will highlight the words I would like them to focus on but they may do more if they wish.


Our focus in class this week will be missing numbers, e.g., ? + 7 = 10. This can be quite tricky but pupils have worked very hard to learn the pairs of friends to 10 and we will now discuss how to use that knowledge to work out a missing number – whether in a calculation within 0 – 10 or using higher numbers. If you are able, please ask your child to explain how they reached their answer.

Other News:

Thursday is our Children In Need fundraising day. If they would like to take part, your child may come to school dressed in spotty clothing on that day. Please don’t hesitate to ask me if you have any other questions or queries.

Thank you and have a lovely week!

Miss Cauley