There are only 62 sleeps until Christmas so that means it’s time to get organised! Your child has been given their Christmas card order form today. You will find their design and the product information on one side and the ordering information on the other side. Please check your child’s name and class details are correct (there are a few minor errors), and make any corrections in the relevant box.
We would really appreciate the completed forms along with exact money or a cheque made payable to ‘Bishopton Primary School’ returned to the school by Friday 27th November.
You can view all of our pupils’ designs by visiting the link below and clicking on the relevant class. P3S has been split into P3S and P35 and there is one P6 pupil’s design in a class called PBG. Enjoy looking at the designs.
Bishopton Primary Christmas Card Designs
Thank you,
Miss McDowall, Principal Teacher