Wk Beg 11.09.17

Good evening, I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.  Please find below homework news and class updates.


This week is Maths week and as such there will be no reading or spelling homework.  We will still enjoy ERIC time (Tuesday) and read and munch (Friday). Children have enjoyed sharing a variety of stories with myself and Primary 6G.  Please note pupils can bring along comics, magazines, or children’s newspapers to read in class as well as books.

Children will be issued with their word walls this week and focus words will be highlighted. We would like your child to practise reading and recognising these words.  They may do more than the words highlighted if they wish.

In class we will be revising our first 3 sounds – sh, th and ch – as well as the spellings of our common words.  This can also be done at home.  Here is a link to the game the children have been playing in class to learn their sounds.  http://www.ictgames.com/forestPhonics/fullV_public/index.html

Pupils will be issued with a maths bingo sheet on Monday for homework and can complete as many tasks as they wish.  Sumdog is proving very popular in Primary 2C and all children should now have their usernames and passwords in their homework diaries. Please let me know if your child does not have their details and I will provide a copy for you.


This week is Maths week and the children will be involved in lots of fun maths activities.   On Thursday 14th September we plan to walk to the coop.  The pupils are allowed to bring £1 to spend if they wish.  We will also be recording some prices and working with a partner to note down different items and prices in the shop.  We are looking for 2 adult helpers to join us if possible.  We will be going between 9:30 and 10:30.  If you think you can help please pop a note in the bag or diary on Monday night and I will get back to you as soon as possible with arrangements. Thank you in advance.

Pupils were given a brown envelope on Thursday containing letters. Please ensure these are returned as one of them is the local walking permission that we need for Thursday.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me if there are any problems.

We have had a fantastic week in class and I was very impressed with the rainshakers that pupils made on Friday. We had a great time shaking along to the beat of the Amazon rainforest song and the bright colours certainly helped make up for the gruesome outdoor weather!

Thank you for your continued support and enjoy the week ahead.

Miss Cauley