Curriculum and Home Activities

What is Curriculum for Excellence? To find out, click here

The eight curricular areas of Curriculum for Excellence are listed to your right (or at the bottom of this page on mobile) – click on the menu links for further details of each area of study. You’ll find a link to Education Scotland’s website and details of how we do things here at Langcraigs. 

Some home activities are listed below. Many of these resources were produced during the Covid Lockdown periods, but may still be useful for parent/guardians during illness absences, or even during the school holidays:

Autism Toolkit – click here to access a bumper 19 pages of advice and guidance to support children with autistic spectrum challenges.

Digital learning letter

Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS): please click here for advice and resources (and a link to the PATHS Facebook page) which may assist emotional wellbeing.

Suggested home activities: (please click on the links below…)


Literacy Links and Resources

Questions – Reading cards

Reading strategies

What is Talk for Writing?


Sumdog video for parents via their YouTube channel here  

Sumdog home learning guide for parents here  and quick guide to Sumdog here.

Numeracy links for parents

multiplication square

0-30 number line

100 square

multiplication chart




Science and modern foreign languages:

Science MFL


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