
On this page you will find tasks designed to help you develop the skills required for Higher English. The tasks focus on developing your RUAE skills and helping you get started with your folio.

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This link takes you to a revision PowerPoint with practise questions:

RUAE Revision 1

This booklet contains 7 articles drawn from sources of quality journalism. The activities associated with each passage are designed to:
• Expand your vocabulary
• Familiarise you with the styles and structures of quality
• Improve your ability to summarise and paraphrase (put
into your own words) a writer’s argument
• Familiarise you with RUAE formulae

Higher RUAE-Revision-1

This booklet will help develop your language skills. This will help with both RUAE and the quality of your writing in your folio:

Developing language skills


The following links are here to inspire and support you in the writing of your folio piece.



Creative folio

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