
S1 English

On this page you will find tasks designed to help you develop the skills required to be successful in English. The tasks are separated into RUAE, writing, literacy and personal reading. You should aim to complete a task from each section over the course of a week.

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This link takes you to a  booklet of passages designed to develop your reading for understanding, analysis and evaluation skills. The passages and questions become more challenging as you work through the booklet. Start at the level that is right for you.



These links take you to a range of writing challenges. The challenges ask you to write in a variety of styles so try to vary the type of task you pick each week. Some of the tasks require extended responses so again, you select the tasks suitable for your level.

Short writing exercises

S1 Extended writing tasks


Basic literacy skills are required in all subjects but are especially important in English. This link takes you to a booklet which helps you revise basic literacy skills. You can work through the booklet chronologically or you can select tasks which focus on a skill you would like to develop.

S1 Language

Personal Reading:

Reading a variety of texts is the best way to develop your language and literacy skills. Reading for just 5 minutes a day will help you succeed, not just in the English classroom, but in your other subjects as well!

This link will take you to a personal reading log and a variety of tasks you can complete in response to the texts you have read.

S1 Reading Log

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