Parental Engagement & Involvement
In Ferguslie Early Learning and Childcare Centre we pride ourselves on being an “open” and “welcoming” centre and we are committed to achieving and maintaining strong communication links with parents/carers, recognising that it is parents who are the child’s first educators of their children. The dedicated staff team are continually supporting the children to develop and enhance their skills and knowledge and we want to share all these achievements with you.
What are the benefits of parents getting involved?
Learning at Home – encourages families to learn together as a family
- Your children’s achievements are important, and we encourage you to share them with us. We encourage parents to make use of your child’s online Learning Journal, adding any pictures from outings, home, parties etc. and comments regarding your child that you would like to share with us.
- Home Link Bags: We are passionate about fostering strong links between nursery and home. One way we do this is through our Home Learning Bags. The Bags have been put together to enable you to bring a little bit of nursery into your home. Each bag contains a different learning experience for you and your child to be involved in together. Please do not worry about misplacing any items as they are easily replaced.
Parental Engagement – parents/families interacting with their child’s learning
- Parents will termly receive an up to date progress report and twice yearly will be invited to a formal parent’s night where keyworkers will spend time on an individual basis updating parents with review of progress information for their child.
- Learning to Play, Playing to Learn sessions are arranged annually (formally) however parents are welcome to spend time in the playrooms interacting with their child at any time. Just speak to your child’s key worker for dates/times.
- Book bug sessions are help twice a week. Going to a Bookbug Session is a great way for families to spend time bonding with each other and meeting other families in their local area. Bookbug Sessions can also help to build children’s social skills and support their speech and language development. Most importantly, Bookbug Sessions are fun!
Parental Involvement – describes ways in which parents/carers can get involved in the life and work of our centre
- Parents opinions and ideas matter to us and we value their contribution. Our inclusive approach ensures us that parents have the opportunity to express their views and have these listened to. Over the term you will be invited to participate in the reviewing of centre policies, identifying priorities for our Improvement Plan and making decisions on budget spending, etc.
- We are constantly thinking of innovative ways to share and keep you up to date with family centre news and activities. Please ensure you read our notice boards, website, newsletters, daily feedback sheets, and text messages, attend information sessions such as Coffee & Chat and register with our social media account on both Facebook and Twitter.
- The Parent’s Committee is a very important part of Ferguslie Early Learning and Childcare Centre life. We are always keen for new parents to come and join us. If you are interested in becoming part of the committee, please speak to either your child’s key worker or Susanne our parents committee rep.