Category Archives: News & Updates

Assess, Build, Innovate DigiLearnRen Standards and Quality Report

Below is our Standards and Quality Report for session 22/23. We hope you find it an interesting read and can see the very good progress we have made this session. Thank-you to everyone who has supported us on our journey.
Look out for the what’s coming next session at the end – full of exciting plans for session 23/24.

How to search the DigiLearnRen blog

Did you know to find anything on our blog, you can use the Search button pictured above? This will pull up all the articles and information we have posted about your chosen topic. We use tags to help with this such as Microsoft 365, iPad, Google Workspace. Why not give it a try? You could use the feedback form to let us know what you think and if there is anything else you would like to see on the blog!

Apple Learning Coach #AppleEdu @RenfrewshireRTC #AppleTeacher

Applications for UK and Ireland cohort opening September 2023

Apple Learning Coach is a free professional learning program that trains instructional coaches, digital learning specialists, and other coaching educators to help teachers get more out of Apple technology. It’s a dynamic mix of self-paced lessons, workshop sessions, and personal creative projects.

The Apple Learning Coach programme is open to instructional coaches, digital learning specialists and other educators who have the capacity to coach. The programme defines coaching as partnering with teachers to analyse their teaching, set goals, identify strategies to reach the goals, and provide support until the goals are met.

Once accepted onto the programme, Apple Learning Coach candidates engage in an online course, with self-paced modules and two days of virtual workshops with Apple Professional Learning Specialists. This experience provides a cohort of fellow coaches, as well as Coaching Journals and actionable takeaways. The learning experience builds to the creation of a Coaching Portfolio, which candidates submit as their final assessment at the end of the course.

Read more about Apple Learning Coach in the Apple Education Community 

You can also sign up for one of our Apple Learning Coach information sessions:

1) Tuesday 13 June, 4pm – 4.30pm Link to register

2) Thursday 22 June, 4pm – 4.30pm Link to register

Head Teacher/Line Manager approval is required to be accepted onto the programme and will be requested via the application process.

Look out for the application link coming in September 2023