Category Archives: CLPL

Apple Teacher Courses Live on CPD Manager #AppleTeacher @RenfrewshireRTC #AppleRTC

The Renfrewshire Apple Regional Training Centre are hosting sessions to support people to gain their Apple Teacher status.
From Apple: Apple Teacher is a free professional learning programme designed to support and celebrate educators using Apple products for teaching and learning. More info here….
There are six badges to be gained before Apple Teacher status is awarded: iPad Basics, Pages, Keynote, Numbers, iMovie and GarageBand. The aim is for you to become aware of the different features of each of these areas of iPad before a short quiz checks your understanding. Once the quiz is passed you gain a badge, all six badges = Apple Teacher. It is a great bit of CPD and really helps you get to grips with those apps on the iPad you may not have delved into too deeply.
The RTC are offering online sessions on each of these areas to guide you through the different things required to gain the badge. See details below.

Annual Glow Password Change #GlowScot

At the beginning of the academic year, all Glow users will be prompted to change their password when they login to Glow.

We would like to encourage everyone to remember the Glow Community Rules when using Glow. Be secure: always keep your Glow password to yourself and remember to log out of Glow when you are no longer using it.

Password Change for Pupils (from Thursday 10 August 2023)

From the 10th August pupils will be prompted to change their password next time they log into Glow. Any changes or password resets prior to this date will be replaced by the annual password change on the 10th August.  This password change should provide an opportunity for pupils to choose a password that is easy for them to remember but difficult for others to guess.

Please follow the Password Guidance on Glow Connect to help stay safer online and to find out what makes a strong password when using Glow.

Supporting Pupils with a Password Change

Staff should be aware that if they are supporting pupils to choose a strong/new password that this should be unique to each pupil. They should not be advised to use the same password as the rest of the class. It is not good practice to have a whole school or class password as this may encourage inappropriate use of Glow. In addition, the previous 12 passwords may not be used.

Staff may be supporting pupils to choose a strong password or younger learners to change their password whilst in school or at home. We would encourage pupils to change their password in school, however we are aware that some pupils may be learning at home, with the password change being supported by parents/carers. We would ask that parents/carers do not access Glow directly.

The Password Guidance page will also provide hints like using a group of words or a phrase or a using password grids to support younger learners.

Password Change for Staff (from Wednesday 30 August 2023)

Staff are also encouraged to choose a strong password. When prompted to choose a new password there is a minimum requirement and a password rating is displayed to reflect this. The Change Password button will only be enabled when the minimum requirement for this account type is met. Again, the previous 12 passwords can not be used.

Issues with changing passwords

Staff can contact the Glow RM Unify Administrator at their school/establishment.

Staff at each school/establishment should be able to support pupils’ to reset their Glow password.


Assess, Build, Innovate DigiLearnRen Standards and Quality Report

Below is our Standards and Quality Report for session 22/23. We hope you find it an interesting read and can see the very good progress we have made this session. Thank-you to everyone who has supported us on our journey.
Look out for the what’s coming next session at the end – full of exciting plans for session 23/24.

How to search the DigiLearnRen blog

Did you know to find anything on our blog, you can use the Search button pictured above? This will pull up all the articles and information we have posted about your chosen topic. We use tags to help with this such as Microsoft 365, iPad, Google Workspace. Why not give it a try? You could use the feedback form to let us know what you think and if there is anything else you would like to see on the blog!